External Acne Herbal Remedy

For best results combine external acne herbal remedy with an internal acne treatment. A topical acne treatment is actually the best way to treat a mild case. What is mild? Well, if you have only 3-5 blemishes on the face or chest then this is the route for you. Also, if you only get a break out once in awhile such as with your menstrual cycle, then topical would be my recommendation.

Calendula Cream. Apply per label.Promotes wound healing. Useful in winter for broken skin.
Lavender 1 drop oil to 1 drops water or witch hazel.Apply as compress 3x/day.Relieves inflammation and pain.
Tea tree oil Lotion or ointment. Apply per label.Antiseptic
Walnut leaf Apply as skin wash 3x/day.Astringent that protects skin against bacteria.
Witch hazel 86% extract in 14% alcohol.Antibacterial and astringent.

Skin washes: To make a skin wash mix a dropperful of tincture in 1/4 cup of warm water. Bathe affected area with a cloth in a light circular motion. The herb acts on diseased skin, and light rubbing increases blood flow to the area. This is different from a compress which is placed against the skin without rubbing.

If you are interested in oral acne cures, here is more information about natural acne treatment. Oral treatment is appropriate if you have several blemishes daily, or if your acne is moderate (without severe pustular acne). If you acne is severe or to the point of causeing scaring, then you definitely need to see a dermatologist. Acne of this type does need oral and topical medication for a while and once under control THEN you can switch to herbal treatments.

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