Natural Acne Treatment

Sometimes searching for a natural acne treatment can be frustrating. Who wants to go around with blackheads and cystic acne on their face, arms, shoulders or back?

First of all it is important to realize that treatments usch as this generally do not work overnight. Anyone who promises you a quick overnight cure for your problem is lying to you, plain and simple. Once you decide to try these treatments, therefore, it is important to give it a full 90 days. Yup! A full 90 days because that is about how long it takes for the skin to fully turn over and bring new unblemished skin to the surface.

For best results combine a natural acne treatment with a topical acne treatment. These supplements and herbs are meant to be taken orally. Many of them are tinctures which you can drink with water.

Below are several different types of herbal supplements to try. If one doesn't give you the result you desire, then try another. Everyone's skin is different and people respond to different things in different ways.

Barberry or goldenseal or grape root Tincture. 20 drops in 1/4 cup water 3x/daily for 2 weeks.Antibiotic agent.
Echinacea Tincture. 20 drops in 1/4 c. water 3x/daily.Reduces inflammation, speeds healing.
Guggul Guggulsterone tablets. 250-500mg 3x/day for 3 months.Stops inflammation for infected cysts. Good for oily skin.
Milk thistle Silymarin gel caps. 120mg 2x/day.Removes excess hormones thru stool by increasing bile production.
Saw palmetto Extract capsules. 320mg/day.Relieves acne in adult men who are NOT on testosterone therapy.
Vitex Tablets. 175-225mg/day.Prevents prementstrual acne flares. Use 3-6 months for best results.

When taking herbal supplements, no matter what the reason, it is important to realize that there are some precautions to take. Just like prescriptions, herbs can produce side effects and even interactions with other drugs. Generally speaking however, their effects are gentle enought not to cause severe problems.

Once again, as I have said on other pages, if you have severe acne please don't waste your time with over the counter stuff or herbs. Get to a dermatologist for the appropriate medication. Once the acne has settled down (most people have to be on meds only for 3-4 months) THEN you can use herbal acne treatments to prevent future acne.

If you are concerned about acne skin care, below are some considerations when using the herbal remedies recommmended above.

NOTE: Do not take barberry, goldenseal of grape root if you are pregnant or have gallbladder disease. Do not take these herbs with Vitamin B6. Do not take goldenseal if you have heart disease or glaucoma.

Milk thistle may cause mild diarrhea and you may have to stop it.

Do not use echinacea if you have lupus, rheumatoid arthritis,cancer, HIV or tuberculosis.

Here is information on topical acne herb treatments.

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